Shipment Analysis Dashboard

Shipment Analysis Dashboard

Make better decisions by getting a 360° view of your shipment performance. This dashboard can help you monitor, analyze and understand the monthly, quarterly, and semi-annual performance of a shipper. Using this dashboard, you can know the shipment performance across regions, get an overview of the shipment delay, and understand the important customers better.

See Live Dashboard Get a license of FusionCharts

This sample dashboard is built using FusionCharts Suite XT, which needs a license for commercial use.

Key features

  • Track shipment KPIs and compare them against the industry benchmark
  • Monitor business performance across different regions
  • Identify important customers by knowing their volume of shipment and avg. value of each shipment
  • Get a detailed understanding of delay in shipments

How to get started with this dashboard

Environment Setup
  1. Make sure you have Node JS >= 8.10 and npm >= 5.6 and Angular is installed on your machine
Project Files Setup
  1. Create a folder and extract the zip
  2. Navigate to the extracted folder in terminal
  3. Delete the file 'package-lock.json'
  4. Install the dependencies by running the following command npm install or npm i
  5. Go to client folder and run npm install or npm i
  6. Install MongoDB Server
  7. Import the data to MongoDB by running the following command: node data/insert-into-db.js
  8. Open config.json in client/src folder, change CURR_MODE to local
  9. To start server, run the following npm run start
  10. To start client, run the following, in client folder npm run start

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