Get Started With Ruby On Rails With FusionCharts

Create Line, Area, Pie, Bar, Column, Gantt and over 150 charts for your web application using the Ruby on Rails gem for FusionCharts. Unlike other charting libraries that only allow creation of static images with low resolution, our charts are completely interactive and responsive on all screen sizes. Moreover, the gem works with Ruby Hashes allowing you to let go of JSON data or JavaScript objects. Simply write your implementation in Ruby, fetch data from your MySQL server and directly create charts which are responsive, interactive, and support zooming, panning, APIs, animation, drill-downs, real-time updates, and full exporting of charts & dashboards, all in your own server!

Our Ruby on Rails gem comes with event support for mouse, keyboard, and more, enabling you to add charts in runtime during any lifecycle phase of the application. All our charts are mobile first by default, and responsive across all devices. Further, all charts & graphs are tested and built for millions of data points, without any performance issues.

Frameworks and Libraries in Ruby on Rails Gem Development

Ruby on Rails (Rails) is a robust web application framework known for its productivity and convention-over-configuration philosophy. In addition to its core features, Rails offers a rich ecosystem of frameworks that enhance functionality and streamline development. Let's explore some key frameworks and libraries commonly used in Ruby on Rails gem development:

  1. Action Mailer: Simplifies email generation and delivery in Rails apps.
  2. Action Mailbox: Enables receiving and processing incoming emails.
  3. Active Job: Handles background job execution across different queuing systems.
  4. Action Cable: Integrates WebSockets for real-time communication.
  5. Active Storage: Facilitates file uploads and management.
  6. Action Text: Simplifies rich text handling.
  7. Active Support: Offers utility classes and extensions for Rails development.

How To Get Started With Ruby on Rail Gem

  1. To begin, make sure you have Ruby and Rails installed on your system.
  2. Use the rails new command to generate a new Rails application where you'll develop your gem.
  3. Establish a lib directory within the newly created Rails app to house your gem's code. Then, develop the functionality of your gem within this directory.
  4. Craft a .gemspec file to define essential metadata for your gem, such as its name, version, and dependencies.
  5. Utilize the gem build command to construct your gem, incorporating the defined specifications.
  6. Test the functionality of your gem by installing it locally on your system using gem install.
  7. Write thorough tests for your gem's functionality using RSpec or MiniTest to ensure its reliability and effectiveness.
  8. Once your gem has passed testing, share it with the broader community by publishing it on
  9. Other developers can now easily integrate your gem into their projects by adding it to their Gemfile and running bundle install.

Interactive examples and Code Snippets

Simple chart
Quick demo

Features of the integration

  • Multiple data types

    Insert charts from a JSON URL, an XML URL, or using Props Array Binding.

  • Add interactivity with ease

    Enable interactivity between charts with hundreds of events and methods

  • Complete control over configurations

    Enjoy advanced control with full access to FusionCharts object that contains complete chart configurations.

  • No need to write JavaScript code

    Execute projects without writing separate API for your JavaScript application.

  • Directly connect to your database

    Let it be SQL or NoSQL, connect your chart directly to database of your choice.

Build 100+ charts and 2000+ maps

Go beyond column charts and pie charts with our 100+ charts made for any kind of data. From area to donut and marimekko to radar, we’ve got all your charting needs covered. Don’t just stop at charts, with 2000+ maps, gauges and more, your dashboards and reports will become more meaningful and insightful.

  • Card image cap
    Chart Gallery

    Explore 100+ charts for your React application

  • Card image cap
    Time Series Gallery

    Explore how to plot millions of data on a time-series chart in React

  • Card image cap
    Maps Gallery

    Render 2000+ Maps for your React project

Explore the Power of FusionCharts in Your Rails Applications!

Create stunning Line, Area, Pie, Bar, Column, Gantt charts, and more using the Ruby on Rails gem for FusionCharts. Experience the difference with interactive, responsive charts that support zooming, panning, APIs, and real-time updates. Say goodbye to static images – unleash the potential of your data with FusionCharts today!

Ready to Transform Your Data? Get Started Now!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I integrate FusionCharts with my Ruby on Rails application?

    Integration with Ruby on Rails is straightforward. You can fetch data from your MySQL server and directly create charts using Ruby code. FusionCharts offers extensive documentation and examples to help you get started quickly.
  • Why is it called Ruby on Rails?

    Rails is named from the Ruby programming language. It emphasizes convention over configuration, enabling rapid development by providing predefined paths and conventions for developers to follow. This approach simplifies coding tasks, allowing developers to focus on building unique application features.
  • What is the framework of Ruby on Rails?

    Ruby on Rails, commonly known as Rails, is a web application framework written in Ruby. It follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, simplifying web application development through conventions and abstraction.
  • How does the FusionCharts gem simplify chart implementation

    With the FusionCharts gem, you can write chart implementations directly in Ruby, eliminating the need for JSON data or JavaScript objects. Simply fetch data from your MySQL server and effortlessly create responsive, interactive charts.