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How to Create Stunning Charts With Angular

When Google released AngularJS (version 1.x) a few years ago, it was a compelling JavaScript library. However, when Facebook launched the ReactJS library, the library experienced unexpected developer attrition. They completely redesigned the architecture to keep it from becoming obsolete. The framework was a Model-View-Whatever architecture to a component-based architecture conversion. To commemorate the redesign of the architecture, the framework was renamed Angular (for versions 2 and up). Angular was made modular as part of its architecture redesign. This feature allows you to install individual modules, allowing you to avoid installing unnecessary modules. Angular, on the other hand, insists on using TypeScript to ensure type safety in the app. When creating an Angular application, you can divide it into multiple components that can be nested or child components. Each Angular component is made up of three major components: One of these components, the FusionCharts Javascript charting library, will be used to create a chart in this post. FusionCharts provides a ready-to-use Angular plugin for creating Live charts, allowing developers to integrate the charting library with Angular. This method eliminates the need for the component to be built from the ground up. Let’s get started on the chart without further ado: Step 1: Prepare the data Step 2: Install the FusionCharts-Angular2 extension Step 3: Create a chart component in Angular Step 4: Render the chart

Step 1: Prepare the Data

The FusionCharts library currently accepts data in JSON and XML only. As such, we need to convert data in a format accepted by the library. For this AngularJS chart example, we will use JSON. We’ll use the following data that shows expenses incurred by different functions:
Quarter Marketing Management Operations
Q1 121000 190000 225000
Q2 135000 195000 260000
Q3 123500 187000 245000
Q4 145000 190000 250000
Since we are visualizing a part-to-whole data set, we will use a Stacked Column Chart.

Step 2: Install the FusionCharts-Angular2 Extension

To get started, you need to install the FusionCharts-Angular2 Component using npm. `$ npm install angular2-fusioncharts –save` You then need to import the angular2-fusioncharts extension in the root @NgModule
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
// Import the library
import { FusionChartsModule } from 'angular2-fusioncharts';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

// Import angular2-fusioncharts
import { FusionChartsModule } from 'angular2-fusioncharts';

// Import FusionCharts library
import * as FusionCharts from 'fusioncharts';
// Import FusionCharts Charts module
import * as Charts from 'fusioncharts/fusioncharts.charts';
  declarations: [
  imports: [
    // Specify FusionChartsModule as an import 
    // and pass FusionCharts and Charts as a dependency
    // You can pass all other FusionCharts modules such as Charts, PowerCharts
    // Maps, Widgets e.t.c. after FusionCharts
    FusionChartsModule.forRoot(FusionCharts, Charts)
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Step 3: Create a Chart Component in Angular

Now we need to create the chart component.
//our root app component
import {Component, NgModule} from '@angular/core'
import {BrowserModule} from '@angular/platform-browser'

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `<fusioncharts
    [dataSource]=dataSource >
export class App {
  demoId: string;
  constructor() {
    this.demoId = "ex1";

    this.dataSource = {
      chart: {
        "caption": "Quarterly expenditure",
        "xAxisname": "Quarter",
        "yAxisName": "Expenditure (In USD)",
        "numberPrefix": "$",
        "baseFont": "Roboto",
        "baseFontSize": "14",
        "labelFontSize": "15",
        "captionFontSize": "20",
        "subCaptionFontSize": "16",
        "paletteColors": "#2c7fb2,#6cc184,#fed466",
        "bgColor": "#ffffff",
        "legendShadow": "0",
        "valueFontColor": "#ffffff",
        "showXAxisLine": "1",
        "xAxisLineColor": "#999999",
        "divlineColor": "#999999",
        "divLineIsDashed": "1",
        "showAlternateHGridColor": "0",
        "subcaptionFontBold": "0",
        "subcaptionFontSize": "14",
        "showHoverEffect": "1"
      "categories": [{
        "category": [{
          "label": "Q1"
        }, {
          "label": "Q2"
        }, {
          "label": "Q3"
        }, {
          "label": "Q4"
      "dataset": [{
        "seriesname": "Marketing",
        "data": [{
          "value": "121000"
        }, {
          "value": "135000"
        }, {
          "value": "123500"
        }, {
          "value": "145000"
      }, {
        "seriesname": "Management",
        "data": [{
          "value": "190000"
        }, {
          "value": "195000"
        }, {
          "value": "187000"
        }, {
          "value": "190000"
      }, {
        "seriesname": "Operations",
        "data": [{
          "value": "225000"
        }, {
          "value": "260000"
        }, {
          "value": "245000"
        }, {
          "value": "250000"
The component adds the <fusioncharts> directive in the Angular app. The detailed chart configurations, along with the data in JSON format, are added to the component.

Step 4: Render the Chart

  <base href="." />
  <title>Angular2 playground - FusionCharts</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src="config.js"></script>
  <link href="" rel="stylesheet">

    <h1>Creating your Chart in Angular using <i>FusionCharts</i>!</h1>
We now make a call to the <my-app> component that we created in Angular.
//main entry point
import {platformBrowserDynamic} from '@angular/platform-browser-dynamic';
import {AppModule} from './module';

When the <my-app> component is referenced, the AppModule function will get triggered. This would then import the FusionChartsModule, thereby rendering the chart using the chart component that we created. If you have been following along, your output should look similar to the image shown below: Alternatively, you can experiment with our codebase on Plunker. If you still face issues with the implementation, you can reach out to us for support.
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