We’re thrilled to announce that SD Times has picked us for their annual
SD Times 100 list, in the user experience category (where we’re mentioned as InfoSoft Global, our corporate identity). If you’re a software professional who likes to stay updated on industry trends and analyses, you’ve probably stumbled upon SD Times at some point with a lot of their articles defining, and even shaping the technology landscape since a long time.
Speaking about the criteria for the award, SD Times mentions “If users have to wait too long for an app to load, or if feature sets in their favorite apps are compromised by device limitations, you’ve lost.” We find this an apt description of what it means to excel at user experience, and is something we obsess over.
You’ll notice our focus on user experience right from the time you download our trial – allowing you to create your first chart in under 15 mins. This is possible because of the comprehensive documentation, particularly the section on creating your first chart, and the readymade demos we’ve crafted for each industry. When viewing our most widely used charts like the Bar Chart or Pie Chart, features like the
interactive legend make data exploration insightful, and full of interesting twists and turns. It doesn’t stop there, but as you move on to trying out advanced chart types like the
Gantt Chart, with its connectors, hover effects, tooltips, and more, you’ll notice the attention to detail in every part of the chart. And what’s more, whether you view the Gantt Chart from a desktop, or a mobile device, you’ll be delighted by the speed and consistency in its rendering.
Hal Varian, Google’s Chief Economist, is famously quoted as saying, “The ability to take data – to be able to understand it, to process it, to extract value from it, to visualize it, to communicate it – that’s going to be a hugely important skill in the next decades.” We, at FusionCharts, are betting on that future.