
Let's take a basic example of a DataTable shown below:

Select operation should be used only when you want to see few specific columns of the DataTable. You can use this operation to select one or more columns using different criteria as per your requirements.

Note that when you use the Select operation on a DataTable, it will generate a child table with only the selected columns.

Let's take a basic example of a DataTable shown below:

Order Date Country Sales Quantity Shipping Cost
1/22/2011 Australia 59.724 6 27.43
1/22/2011 United States 125.248 3 3.64
1/22/2011 Australia 6.318 1 1.77
1/24/2011 Australia 110.808 3 9.92
1/24/2011 United States 40.08 6 4.31
1/24/2011 India 59.25 5 4.27
1/24/2011 United States 5.94 3 0.95
1/26/2011 India 79.38 3 13.82
1/26/2011 India 342.51 7 13.22

In the above table, select operation is applied as shown below:

let fusionDataStore = new FusionCharts.DataStore();
let fusionTable = fusionDataStore.createDataTable(data, schema);
let selectedData = fusionTable.query(['Country', 'Sales']));

The new DataTable after applying select operation is shown below:

Country Sales
Australia 59.724
United States 125.248
Australia 6.318
Australia 110.808
United States 40.08
India 59.25
United States 5.94
India 79.38
India 342.51