Time Markers

A time marker looks as shown in the image below:

You can mark events on the Time Axis using Time Markers. A time marker appears as an overlay on the chart canvas. When you hover the mouse pointer over a time marker or tap on it, a tooltip appears with information about the marker.

A time marker looks as shown in the image below:

Data Markers

Configure Time Marker

A time marker can either mark a single point, or a range, on the time axis. Use the AddMarker() method of the TimeMarker object to create a time marker. AddMarker() accepts a string type parameter, which contains the label name for the marker. Once you create the time marker, use the following instance methods of AddMarker() to configure the time marker:

  • Use the EndDate() method, which accepts a DateTime type parameter, to set the end date of the range.

  • Use the StartDate() method, which accepts a DateTime type parameter, to set the start date of the range.

  • Use the Multiplier() method, which accepts an integer type parameter, to set the multiplier of the time unit.

  • Use the TimeFormat() method, which accepts a string type parameter, to set the data format used in the data.

  • Use the TimeUnit() method, which accepts an enum of type TimeSeriesUnit.Time, to set the unit for the time.

Refer to the code below:

/* Time marker */
/* AddMarker() return an instance of TimeMarker Object */
/* EndDate(), StartDate(), Multiplier(),TimeFormat, TimeUnit() are instance methods of AddMarker() and can be invoked as below */

timeSeries.TimeAxis.TimeMarker.AddMarker("label").EndDate(new DateTime(2010, 12, 31)).Multiplier(2).StartDate(new DateTime(2010, 01, 01)).TimeFormat("%b-%Y").TimeUnit(TimeSeriesUnit.Time.YEAR);

The code given above will create a time marker for a period of time. To create a time marker for a specific point, simply omit the EndDate() instance method.

Don't forget to enable enableUTC attribute when DayLightSaving impacts the dataset.

A sample chart with a time marker is shown below:

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