Calculated Column

Let's take a basic example of tabular data in a DataModel

A calculated column is a column generated as a result of a mathematical expression applied to one or more columns in a DataModel. You can provide more than one mathematical expression on multiple columns of a DataModel. This will generate a new DataModel which will contain the existing and the calculated columns.

Let's take a basic example of tabular data in a DataModel.

Month Revenues Profits
January 16000 4000
February 20000 5000
March 18000 3000
April 19000 4000
May 15000 1000
June 21000 7000
July 16000 1000
August 20000 4000
September 17000 1000
October 22000 8000
November 19000 2000
December 23000 7000

In the above data, we have columns for Month, Revenue and Profit. The mathematical formula to calculate the Profit % is, (Profit *100) / Revenue. To create a new column for Profit %, with the existing ones, refer to the code below:

CalculatedColumns calculatedColumns = new CalculatedColumns {
   {"(Profit * 100) / Revenue","Profit %" }
DataModel resultModel = model.AddNewCalculatedColumns(calculatedColumns);

In the above code:

  • calculatedColumns is an object which holds information of the data to be calculated.
  • model is an object of the source DataModel.
  • resultModel is the object which holds the resultant data.

The new data of the newly created DataModel after applying the above formula to the table is shown below:

Month Revenues Profits Profit %
January 16000 4000 25
February 20000 5000 25
March 18000 3000 16.66
April 19000 4000 21.05
May 15000 1000 6.66
June 21000 7000 33.33
July 16000 1000 6.25
August 20000 4000 25
September 17000 1000 5.88
October 22000 8000 36.36
November 19000 2000 10.52
December 23000 7000 30.43

The code to dispose the calculatedColumns object is given below:


In the above code, calculatedColumn is the object that holds the names of the columns created with the data derived via the mathematical expressions.

If the column name of a table includes space, for example, Order Date provide it in the mathematical expression as [Order Date].