Group By with Aggregation

Let's apply both operations on the tabular data of a DataModel

In FusionCharts.Net, you can apply GroupBy and Aggregation operations to a DataModel at the same time.

Let's apply both operations on the tabular data of a DataModel.

  • Grouping to the Country column.

  • SUM Aggregation function to the Sales column.

Order Date Country Sales Quantity Shipping Cost
1/22/2011 Australia 59.724 6 27.43
1/22/2011 United States 125.248 3 3.64
1/22/2011 Australia 6.318 1 1.77
1/24/2011 Australia 110.808 3 9.92
1/24/2011 United States 40.08 6 4.31
1/24/2011 India 59.25 5 4.27
1/24/2011 United States 5.94 3 0.95
1/26/2011 India 79.38 3 13.82
1/26/2011 India 342.51 7 13.22

The code to apply grouping and aggregation function is shown below:

GroupColumn columnData = new GroupColumn { 



Aggregation aggregateSum = new Aggregation {

    "Sales", Aggregation.Function.SUM


DataModel totalSales = model.GroupingWithAggregation(columnData, aggregateSum);

In the above code:

  • GroupColumn is a class.

  • columnData is an object which holds information of the data to be grouped.

  • Country is the column name from the above tabular data.

  • Aggregation is a class.

  • aggregateSum is the class object which holds information of the data to be aggregated.

  • Sales is the column name on which the aggregation function will be applied.

  • In Aggregation.Function.SUM, Function is an enum of Aggregation class which specifies the function to be applied on the data.

  • DataModel is a class.

  • totalSales is the object which holds the resultant data.

The output after running the above code looks like:

Country Sales
Australia 176.85
United States 171.268
India 481.14