
Let's apply pivot operation on the table given below:

Pivot is an operation with which you can group data from one or more columns, and convert them into aggregated tables by "pivoting" (transposing/rotating) around unique values of a particular column (called the pivot column).

In FusionCharts.NET, when you apply to pivot on an object of the DataModel class, it creates a new object of the DataModel class with the result. You need to create the following:

  • An object of the GroupColumn class and provide the names of the columns you want to group
  • A second object of the GroupColumn class and provide the name of the pivot column
  • An object of the Aggregation class and provide the aggregate function you want to use (i.e., SUM)

Let's apply pivot operation on the table given below:

Order Date Country Sales Quantity Shipping Cost
1/22/2011 Australia 59.724 6 27.43
1/22/2011 United States 125.248 3 3.64
1/23/2012 Australia 6.318 1 1.77
1/24/2013 Australia 110.808 3 9.92
1/23/2012 United States 40.08 6 4.31
1/22/2011 India 59.25 5 4.27
1/24/2013 United States 5.94 3 0.95
1/23/2012 India 79.38 3 13.82
1/24/2013 India 342.51 7 13.22

The code to apply to pivot on the above table using the Country and Order Date columns, as well as SUM as the aggregation function performed on the Sales column, is given below:

/* row field(s) of pivot table */ 
GroupColumn row = new GroupColumn {
    { "Country"}
/* this will be pivot column */
GroupColumn column = new GroupColumn();
column.Add("Order Date", GroupColumn.DateGrouping.YEAR);
/* aggregation function to be applied */
Aggregation aggregation = new Aggregation {
    { "Quantity",Aggregation.Function.SUM }
/* apply Pivot on an existing DataModel - i.e., model */
DataModel pivotModel = model.Pivot(row, column, aggregation);

After applying the pivot operation on the above table, the newly created table looks like shown below:

Country 2011 2012 2013
Australia 6 1 3
United States 3 6 3
India 5 3 7

In the above code:

  • row is an object of the GroupColumn class, which is applied to the Country column.
  • column is an object of the GroupColumn class, which adds the column Order Date from the data source to the table created after pivoting, and populates it with data grouped on the basis of years from Order Date. Note that Order Date is the pivot column in the above sample.
  • aggregation is an object of the Aggregation class, which is applied to the Quantity column and accepts the value of a mathematical operator - SUM.