
A Y-axis in a timeseries chart looks as shown in the image below:

A timeseries chart can have one or more Y-axes. The latter situation occurs when you need to build a multi-series or multivariate chart.

A Y-axis in a timeseries chart looks as shown in the image below:


Configure Y-axis

Use the YAxes object of the timeSeries instance of the TimeSeriesChart class to define a Y-axis. After that, use the following to configure the axes.

  • Set the aggregation function using the Aggregation property of YAxes object. which accepts enum of type TimeSeriesAggregation.Function. TimeSeriesAggregation.Function can accept one of the enum values from SUM, COUNT, MAX, MIN, LAST, FIRST, AVERAGE, VARIANCE or STDDEV.

  • Set the axis type using the AxisType property of the YAxes object, which accepts enum of type TimeSeriesYAxisObject.YAxisType. TimeSeriesYAxisObject.YAxisType can accept the following enum values:

    • LINEAR
    • LOG
  • Set a prefix for the values on the Y-axis using the Prefix property of the Format object. Prefix accepts a string type parameter.

  • Set a suffix for the values on the Y-axis using the Suffix property of the Format object. Suffix accepts a string type parameter.

  • Set the maximum value for the Y-axis using the double type Max property of the YAxes object.

  • Set the minimum value for the Y-axis using the double type Min property of the YAxes object.

  • Set the plot type using the PlotType property of the YAxes object, which accepts enum of type TimeSeriesYAxisObject.SeriesPlotType. TimeSeriesYAxisObject.SeriesPlotType can accept the enum values from LINE, COLUMN, AREA, SPLINE, STEPLINE, OHLC and CANDLESTICK.

  • Set the Y-axis title using the string type Title property of the YAxes object.

  • Finally, to set the plot type for the chart, use the Add() method of the Plot object.

Refer to the code given below:

/* add different configuration */
timeSeries.YAxes.Aggregation = TimeSeriesAggregation.Function.COUNT;
timeSeries.YAxes.AxisType = TimeSeriesYAxisObject.YAxisType.LINEAR;
timeSeries.YAxes.Format.Prefix = "$";
timeSeries.YAxes.Format.Suffix = "K";
timeSeries.YAxes.Max = 30000;
timeSeries.YAxes.Min = 10000;
timeSeries.YAxes.PlotType = TimeSeriesYAxisObject.SeriesPlotType.AREA;
timeSeries.YAxes.Title = "Total Sales";
timeSeries.YAxes.Plot.Add("GDP", TimeSeriesYAxisObject.YAxisType.LOG, TimeSeriesAggregation.Function.LAST);

The chart will look as shown below:

Loading data for chart…

Add More Plots

If you want to add another plot to a chart (for multi-series charts), overload the Add() method of the Plot object. You can overload the Add() method in four different ways, as given below:

  • Plot.Add(string param) - The Add() method accepts the name of the plot as a string.

  • Plot.Add(string param,TimeSeriesYAxisObject.YAxisType.LOG param) - The Add() method accepts the name of the plot as a string and the type of the Y-axis as the TimeSeriesYAxisObject.YAxisType enum. The enum can have the following values:

    • LINEAR

    • LOG

  • Plot.Add(string param,TimeSeriesAggregation.Function.LAST param) - The Add() method accepts the name of the plot as a string and the aggregation function applied to the Y-axis as the TimeSeriesAggregation.Function enum. The enum can accept one of the values from SUM, COUNT, MAX, MIN, LAST, FIRST, AVERAGE, VARIANCE or STDDEV.

  • Plot.Add(string param,TimeSeriesYAxisObject.YAxisType.LOG param,TimeSeriesAggregation.Function.LAST param) - The Add() method accepts the name of the plot as a string, the type of the Y-axis as the TimeSeriesYAxisObject.YAxisType enum, and the aggregation function applied to the Y-axis as the TimeSeriesAggregation.Function enum.

You can overload the Add() method in one of the ways given above, to add more than one Y-axis to a timeseries chart.

Refer to the code below:

/* add another plot */
/* required for Multiple Data plots */
timeSeries.YAxes.Plot.Add("Population", TimeSeriesYAxisObject.YAxisType.LOG, TimeSeriesAggregation.Function.LAST);

The chart will look as shown below:

Loading data for chart…

Add a Y-axis

If you want to build a multivariate chart, you will need to create more than one Y-axis. Once you are done creating the first Y-axis, use the AddNew() method of the YAxes object to create a second Y-axis. You can repeat this process as many times as you need to.

Refer to the code given below:

/* add another YAxis */
/* this is for Multivariate chart */

The chart will look as shown below:

Loading data for chart…