Slice Data Plot using API

A chart configured to slice out the data plots of a pie2d chart, is shown below:

FusionCharts Suite XT includes advanced features that offers a wide range of APIs that you can use for different stages in the ife cycle of a chart or when you interact with a chart. These features include completion of rendering of the chart, handling the radio button at runtime, etc.

This article focuses on how you can slice out the data plots of a Pie 2D chart using chart specific custom API. The chart will be rendered using angular-fusioncharts component.

A chart configured to slice out the data plots of a pie2d chart, is shown below:

FusionCharts will load here..
    "chart": {
        "caption": "Market Share of Web Servers",
        "plottooltext": "<b>$percentValue</b> of web servers run on $label servers",
        "showPercentValues": "1",
        "useDataPlotColorForLabels": "1",
        "enableMultiSlicing": "0",
        "showlegend": "0",
        "theme": "fusion"
    "data": [
            "label": "Apache",
            "value": "32647479"
            "label": "Microsoft",
            "value": "22100932"
            "label": "Zeus",
            "value": "14376"
            "label": "Other",
            "value": "18674221"

Setup the Main Module

In this step, we will setup the main module to create the Column 2D chart. The code is given below:

// Setup needed in app.module.ts
import { NgModule, enableProdMode } from '@angular/core'
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { FusionChartsModule } from 'angular-fusioncharts';

// Load FusionCharts
import * as FusionCharts from 'fusioncharts';
// Load Charts module
import * as Charts from 'fusioncharts/fusioncharts.charts';
// Load themes
import * as FusionTheme from 'fusioncharts/themes/fusioncharts.theme.fusion';

// Add dependencies to FusionChartsModule

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  providers: [
  bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
export class AppModule {

In the above code:

  1. Include the necessary libraries and components using import. For example, angular-fusioncharts, fusioncharts, etc.

  2. Load FusionCharts, chart module and the fusion theme.

  3. Add dependencies to FusionChartsModule.

The <fusioncharts></fusioncharts> component is available to be used by any component your app. We will render our first chart in the main app.component.

Add data to app.component.ts

Add the following code to app.component.ts:

// In app.component.ts
import {
} from '@angular/core';

    selector: 'app',
    templateUrl: './app.component.html'
export class AppComponent {
    dataSource: any;
    selectedSlice = 'none';
    chart: any;
    constructor(private zone: NgZone) {
        this.dataSource = {
            "chart": {
                "caption": "Market Share of Web Servers",
                "plottooltext": "<b>$percentValue</b> of web servers run on $label servers",
                "showLegend": "1",
                "showPercentValues": "1",
                "legendPosition": "bottom",
                "useDataPlotColorForLabels": "1",
                "enablemultislicing": "0",
                "showlegend": "0",
                "theme": "fusion",
            "data": [{
                "label": "Apache",
                "value": "32647479"
            }, {
                "label": "Microsoft",
                "value": "22100932"
            }, {
                "label": "Zeus",
                "value": "14376"
            }, {
                "label": "Other",
                "value": "18674221"

    // FusionCharts initialized listener to get the chart instance
    initialized($event) {
        this.chart = $event.chart; // saving chart instance 

    // Change listener for radio buttons
    onRadioOptionChange(option) {
        this.selectedSlice = option;
        // For each data element , see if it is selected, if none then slice in all elements, index) => {
            if (option == 'none') {
                this.chart.slicePlotItem(index, false);
            } else if (option === d.label.toLowerCase()) {
                this.chart.slicePlotItem(index, true);

    // Get data item label
    getLabel(index) {

    // FusionCharts Component dataPlot click listener
    dataplotClick($event) {
        let dataIndex = $event.dataObj.dataIndex;
        let isSliced = $event.dataObj.isSliced; => {
            this.selectedSlice = isSliced ? 'none' : this.getLabel(dataIndex).toLowerCase();

    ngOnInit() {
        setTimeout(() => {

In the above code:

  1. Add the the JSON data within the AppComponent class.

  2. Store the chart configuration in a JSON object. In the JSON object:

    • Set the chart type as pie2d. Find the complete list of chart types with their respective alias here.
    • Set the width and height of the chart in pixels.
    • Set the dataFormat as JSON.
    • Embed the json data as the value of dataSource.
  3. Get the chart instance FusionCharts initialized listener.

  4. onRadioOptionChange event is called for the radio buttons.

  5. getLabel method is called to get the label for the data item.

  6. FusionCharts Component dataPlotClick listener is called to slice the data when the button is clicked.

Add data to app.component.html

Add the following code to app.component.html:

<!-- Chart Component -->
<fusioncharts type='pie2d' width='600' height='400' [dataSource]='dataSource' (dataplotClick)='dataplotClick($event)' (initialized)='initialized($event)'>
<div style="display: flex; justify-content: center; bottom: 2px;">
    <div class="change-type">
        <div id="radio1">
            <input name="slice-selecter" id="None" type="radio" [checked]="selectedSlice == 'none'" (change)="onRadioOptionChange('none')" />
            <label for="None">None</label>
        <div id="radio2">
            <input name="slice-selecter" id="Apache" type="radio" [checked]="selectedSlice == 'apache'" (change)="onRadioOptionChange('apache')" />
            <label for="Apache">Apache</label>
        <div id="radio3">
            <input name="slice-selecter" id="Microsoft" type="radio" [checked]="selectedSlice == 'microsoft'" (change)="onRadioOptionChange('microsoft')" />
            <label for="Microsoft">Microsoft</label>
        <div id="radio4">
            <input name="slice-selecter" id="Zeus" type="radio" [checked]="selectedSlice == 'zeus'" (change)="onRadioOptionChange('zeus')" />
            <label for="Zeus">Zeus</label>
        <div id="radio5">
            <input name="slice-selecter" id="Other" type="radio" [checked]="selectedSlice == 'other'" (change)="onRadioOptionChange('other')" />
            <label for="Other">Other</label>

In the above code

  • Create the fusioncharts directive in a template.

  • Create Radio buttons for the chart using <input>.