What's New

This section is for users using the previous version of FusionCharts in their application. Here, we'll talk about the new features introduced in v4.0.x.

Ask FusionDev AI: AI-powered knowledge base and documentation assistant

FusionCharts release 4.0.0 introduces Ask FusionDev AI: AI-powered knowledge base and documentation assistant.

The newly implemented assistant helps you to:

  • Improve Discoverability and unblock developers by finding instant answers to questions about using FusionCharts with AI-powered context-aware documentation.
  • Increase developer productivity by providing instant access to clear, concise, and up-to-date documentation, including code examples for the FusionCharts.
  • Improve development efficiency with automated code generation.

To start using Ask FusionDev AI just refer to the following page.

Elevating Project Management with Enhanced Gantt Charts

FusionCharts release 4.0.0 introduces advanced capabilities for scheduling and project management visualizations. Automatic updates minimize manual data entry errors while overlapping taskbars and customizable milestones enhance project communication.

Introducing autoUpdateStartEndDateColumn attribute: Auto-Update Actual Dates on Taskbar Drag

The newly implemented attribute autoUpdateStartEndDateColumn, auto-updates the actual start date / actual end date columns in the Gantt Chart when taskbars are dragged. The data source will update the column start/end dates and taskbar position whenever this attribute is enabled.

Presenting allowTaskbarOverlap attribute: Enhancing User Experience

The recently adopted allowTaskbarOverlap attribute for Gantt Charts, allows users to drag the taskbar over adjacent taskbars in the Gantt Chart. The taskbar start and end date will not be restricted by the adjacent taskbar’s x and y positions.

Introducing marginLeft, marginRight, marginTop, and marginBottom attributes: Numeric Milestone Setting

The newly implemented marginLeft, marginRight, marginTop, and marginBottom attributes were introduced in the milestone option of Gantt charts. These attributes are utilized to set the milestone as per the numeric value provided in these.