Working with Events Using AngularJS

Take a look at the Column 2D chart shown below:

Events are signals that let you execute specific actions - such as manipulate the DOM, send data to the server, etc., using JavaScript, in response to any interaction/update for a chart. For example, you can use events to trigger action(s) when a chart renders successfully, when data completes loading, when a data plot is clicked, when the mouse pointer is hovered over a data plot, and so on.

Events can be used for applications like monitoring the state of a system or a business. For example, you can listen to an event to observe the temperature of a deep freezer and display an alert message if the temperature falls below the minimum value.

Take a look at the Column 2D chart shown below:

FusionCharts will load here..

Roll the mouse pointer over any one data plot and see how the text (the data label and the value) rendered below the chart changes.

For example, if you roll the mouse pointer over the Canada data plot, the following text is displayed below the chart:

You are currently hovering over Canada whose value is 180

The code to render the above chart is given below:

//  Require AngularJS 
var angular = require('angular');

// Require FusionCharts 
var FusionCharts = require('fusioncharts');

// Require angularjs-fusioncharts 

// Require Chart modules 
var Charts = require('fusioncharts/fusioncharts.charts');

// Require Fusion theme
var FusionTheme = require('fusioncharts/themes/fusioncharts.theme.fusion');

// Initialize Charts with FusionCharts instance

// Initialize FusionTheme with FusionCharts instance

var myApp = angular.module("myApp", ["ng-fusioncharts"]);
myApp.controller("MyController", ["$scope", function($scope){
    // datasource
    $scope.dataSource = {
        "chart": {
          "caption": "Countries With Most Oil Reserves [2017-18]",
          "subCaption": "In MMbbl = One Million barrels",
          "xAxisName": "Country",
          "yAxisName": "Reserves (MMbbl)",
          "numberSuffix": "K",
          "theme": "fusion",
        "data": [
            { "label": "Venezuela", "value": "290" },
            { "label": "Saudi", "value": "260" },
            { "label": "Canada", "value": "180" },
            { "label": "Iran", "value": "140" },
            { "label": "Russia", "value": "115" },
            { "label": "UAE", "value": "100" },
            { "label": "US", "value": "30" },
            { "label": "China", "value": "30"}
    // handler for dataplotrollover event.
    $scope.plotRollOver = function(event){
        $scope.$apply(function () {
            $scope.selectedValue =;
            $scope.selectedLabel =;
    // handler for dataplotrollout event.
    $scope.plotRollOut = function(event){
        $scope.$apply(function () {
            $scope.selectedValue = '';
            $scope.selectedLabel = '';

Now, use the fusioncharts directive in a template. The HTML template is given below:

<div ng-app="myApp">
    <div ng-controller="MyController">  
        <!--Listen to FusionCharts events by using "fcevent-<fc-event-name>" attribute. In this case the event name is dataplotrollover-->  
        <div fusioncharts width="100%" height="400" type="column2d" , datasource="{{dataSource}}" fcevent-dataplotrollover="plotRollOver(event)"
        <p style="font-size:20px;font-weight: 300;padding:10px;background:#f5f2f0">
            You are currently hovering over {{selectedLabel || ""}} whose value is {{selectedValue || ""}}

Render the above chart by following the steps mentioned below:

  1. Include the necessary libraries (such as fusioncharts and angularjs-fusioncharts) and components using require.

  2. Add the chart and the theme as dependencies to the core.

  3. Store the chart configurations in a variable (myApp).

  4. Store the data source in a variable (dataSource).

  5. In the above sample:

    • Callback handler for plotRollOver event has been used which is triggered when the mouse pointer is rolled over a data plot.
    • Callback handler for plotRollOut event has been used which is triggered when the mouse pointer is rolled out of the data plot.
  6. A container is created to render buttons in the chart.

  7. Add the <div> with an fc-chart directive in your HTML, assuming that it is inside a controller named MyController. In the div:

    • Set the chart type as column2d. Find the complete list of chart types with their respective aliases here.
    • Set the width and the height (in pixels).
    • Embed the JSON data as the value of the dataSource.